Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Even My Nintendo Thinks I'm Fat

My Wii has sworn at me before:

But yesterday, our relationship sunk to a new low. Yesterday, my Wii told me I was ...


You couldn't have said I'm at the 'high end of normal', could you? You bastard. For what it's worth, anyone can clearly see it's on the line. But whatever.

The truth hurts. The truth is also good motivation. Today, I went super-hard on the elliptical to the point where I nearly passed out. But I pushed through the vertigo. I conquered lethargy. I made exhaustion my bitch!

And it felt great. Not at the time, don't get me wrong. I felt disgusting, and probably looked about as hopeless as old Gil as I stumbled around afterward, trying desperately to regain my breath.

But after my heart rate slowed, the sweat had absorbed, and my work clothes were back on, I felt like a new woman.

Hear that, Wii? 

I'm coming for you first.


  1. haha now I want to get a wii so It can tell me things too

  2. It told me something new today! Stay tuned!
