Friday, November 5, 2010

KD: It's What's For Dinner

For supper last night, I made for myself the true champion of meals: Kraft Dinner.

That's right, instead of preparing a healthy, delicious (see: not delicious) salad, or baking up some fish, or preparing anything else that had even a pinch of redeeming nutritional value, I made ... Kraft Dinner.

Not ONLY did I make myself Kraft Dinner (and nothing else), I made the entire box.

And. I. ate. it. all.

Cooking for one person is inconvenient. And frankly, laziness wins over putting in any considerable effort every time. Besides, I'm going to fuck you up with some serious truth right here: Kraft Dinner is god damn delicious.

I don't care that it comes with pre-packaged powdered cheese. It doesn't even really bother me that it requires a 1/4 of butter/margarine. Give me buttery, fake cheese particulate any day of the week over something that tastes like I just pulled it off my neighbour's tree.

But all of the above should bother me. I mean, isn't the point of this ridiculous blog exercise to motivate me into becoming something slightly better than the degenerate, unhealthy nefarious mess that I am? Shouldn't recording and broadcasting last night's atrocious dinner choice make me just embarrassed enough that I opt to change?

I'll admit, I'm not particularly proud of eating an entire box of Kraft Dinner for supper. I mean, all I really needed to do was put in a little effort, and it would have never happened.

But I didn't.

And just like eating a Big Mac, or anything else where you easily ingest the maximum calorie intake you should for the day, you feel like a giant sack of excrement afterwards.

Will it prevent me from doing it again? Probably not. Should I refer back to this blog post if I ever get the inclination to?

Why the lack of motivation? I obviously know what I should be doing, I just don't do it.

There's no easy answer. After all, there's no convenient magical, powdered boxed meal that is even remotely nutritious.

The answer is simple, and it's awful:

Get. off. your. ass.

And stop buying KD.


  1. Haha I add CHEESE WHIZ to my KD.. YUM! And of course the entire box. I'm with you on the hate to cook for one person bit. I had to stop buying KD when I was pregnant or else I would have eaten it every night. That and perogies. If it isn't there, you can't eat it.. and if you are like me.. you would be too lazy to go out and get it if you really wanted it. Meh.. you have the exercising down.. the food you can slowly change. Trying to do it all at once will just take you to Mc Donald's drive thru.

  2. This comment is simply to see which fun word google make me type to post it.
